We did it. 100 continuous days of intentional movement, of at least 30 minutes every day, starting on January 1 and finishing on April 10.
Of course, it hasn’t hurt that we have been training for this half-marathon while doing it, which meant running three times a week plus going to the gym a further two. And then there was the weekly Tai Chi session, which is about the best definition of intentional movement I have ever come across. And then the necessity to dig the allotment at weekends.
So, all in all, we didn’t have really have too much trouble. And we took full advantage of the invitation to fill in our challenge sheets in the spirit of an art project, as you can see here:

We’re a lot fitter and quite a bit lighter too – one of us has lost about a stone and the other two. And it has become a habit – we’ve already started out on new charts for the 200 days leg, which should take us past May’s race and into a series of events being organised around Stevenage in July by the Fairlands Valley Spartans running club.
Watch this space…