HOOP photo gallery 1b: Oughton Head to Old Westmill
These photos follow the Hitchin Outer Orbital Path as it hits its westernmost point at Oughton Head, then turns to pass through the Oughtonhead Common nature reserve. Finally it emerges at the scattered houses of Old Westmill and the Icknield Way.
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A left turn and a short stretch beside the field
This is as west as it gets on the HOOP
The path takes the higher route on the right
You can safely ignore this sharp drop to the river
The river Oughton emerges from the ground
A sheltered, shadowy path between river and fields
In places, the river widens and slows
Volunteers do sterling work to maintain this reserve
The reserve supports a wide variety of life
The path passes thick, reedy wetlands
The River Oughton is never far away during this stage
This was likely made by volunteers from locally-coppiced wood
The path gains a second stream, to its right
The common and reserve are a great example of a well-managed local resource
A classic wetland scene
Clumps of reeds near a welcome bench
A gnarled old tree clings on in unpromising terrain
The old mill stream is visible through the trees from the path
Easy walking as the route heads away from the common
Just in case you were thinking of bringing a digger with you – don’t!
Swinburne Avenue visible across the last of the common